Studio 5_Alexis Tsegba_Eve in Solitude

Alexis Chivir-ter Tsegba



Alexis is a Nigerian visual artist whose complex digital collages frame real people in magical or surreal settings. She often explores elements of Afrofuturism, identity, religion and gender through thought-provoking concepts. Having studied both law and the creative arts, her unique experience of life inspires the themes and people in her portfolio. 

“When in Britain, my Blackness makes me different, and my art reflects that. In Nigeria, political views on gender expression and being a woman in Africa are topics I need to talk about.” Clients include: BBC, Oxfam, Glenfiddich, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, WhatsApp, The Economist, Nike, Campari, Zalando and Adobe.


Alexis Chivir-ter Tsegba